Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Seven Months Old

Kaylee is officially a seven month old! It's so hard to believe so much time has flown by. In Kaylee's 7th month she was cleared for any issues with her hips! Just little rolls of baby fat. So all is happy there. She also celebrated her first Easter! She also enjoyed a trip to San Diego again and had a good time in the sand at the beach.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Six Months Old

17lbs and 27.5" long.

Kaylee Lynn is six months old today. She's a growing happy girl... except at the doctor's office. She's not a fan of shots or even the building. She is a healthy tall and skinny girl. While at the doctor Kaylee received her first x-ray today to check her hips. Doctor's were concerned that the creases in her legs were uneven and so they wanted to make sure that everything was a-ok with her hips. It was another procedure that she was NOT a fan of. Mom and Dad will learn in a week what is going on with that.

Mobility is well on its way for Kaylee. To date she is rolling from front to back and from back to front and crawling is on the horizon; she is also starting to pull herself up with her hands so it's only a matter of time before mom and dad start to get a workout from a mobile tot! :) She's adorable and her auntie is dying to meet her!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

5 months old

Rolling over, trying to crawl, eating solid foods,
and sitting up! Such a big girl! Where did the last five months go?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rolling Over

Kaylee is four and a half months old and guess who is rolling over from back to front? Yep little Kaylee spent nearly an hour last night rolling onto her belly over and over until she got tired. Mom recorded on the cell phone, hence the low light - but still adorable and listen to her chattering away. She's too cute.

Kaylee's cousin Aiden rolled over at almost the same time. Kaylee beat him though by a few days. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Four Months Old

Kaylee is only days away from being four months old.

She weighs 14.5lbs (86%)
She's 26.5" long (100%)

Kaylee's First Christmas